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I used to be able to switch between an offline vector map view and Microsoft Satellite view easily enough by setting the satellite view as either an underlay or overlay map (I can't remember which) and then removing the setting when I wanted to go back to vector view.

I'm not sure if the fact that the 'overlay maps' and 'underlay maps' options aren't always present on the map settings menu is a new feature or something that I haven't noticed before but I got the satellite view to appear some other way just now. I deselected the satellite view and I can't get any offline map to appear at all now. I just get...

'Offline vector map present for this location'

Then there is an instruction to find the menu item to put this right. I have searched and searched but can not find this selection for 'offline vector maps' though.

OSMAND is a fantastic app and I love using it. I don't think there is anything that comes near it. I appreciate that it is a powerful tool and complex tool. However, if I could suggest a wish list item - perhaps the navigation between the map views could be made a little more intuitive?

Edit: I have fixed it by uninstalling and re-installing the app.

I have the purchased version of Osmand on a Oneplus One running Android 5.1.

asked 19 Apr '15, 11:32

Ben%20Aldhouse's gravatar image

Ben Aldhouse
accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Apr '15, 12:34

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


I think the main osmand forum is at this link!forum/osmand

(19 Apr '15, 11:56) nevw

Thank you nevw. Sorry for the inappropriate post!

(19 Apr '15, 12:05) Ben Aldhouse

Usually the background map can be selected via Configure map -> Map source.

(19 Apr '15, 12:43) scai ♦

The menu item "Map source" in the configure map selection menu is only visible when you have selected online maps in the plugin manager. If this is switched off, you can't select off-line maps. IMHO a clear bug and inconsistent behaviour of the Osmand app. Too bad this still hasn't been recognized by the developers although I have mentioned it in the osmand forum.

(19 Apr '15, 16:19) ligfietser

Well I'm glad it's not just me being daft, then. Thanks for the reply.

permanent link

answered 19 Apr '15, 21:09

Ben%20Aldhouse's gravatar image

Ben Aldhouse
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Apr '15, 11:32

question was seen: 5,800 times

last updated: 19 Apr '15, 21:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum