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I'm a newcomer here but I hope someone can help me!

My question relates to Kingston Street, Cambridge and "Hooper Street link", Cambridge. Way: Kingston Street (3987054) Way: Hooper Street link (111875311)

I use OpenStreetMap on my bike GPS and when I navigate in this area there are navigation errors. However, I'm not familiar enough with OpenStreetMaps to know if this is a map error or not.

Kingston Street is not a one-way street. It has 'no entry' signs at the Mill Road end, but these signs only apply to motor vehicles, not bikes. So it is ALMOST like a one-way street for cars, but it is definitely two-way for bikes. Please could someone confirm that the street is coded correctly on the map?

On the "Hooper Street link", which is an access path for bikes between two streets (no access for cars), there is a gate marked on the map. Is this correct? There IS a kind of gate on the path, but not one you have to open to cycle through, just one that the emergency services would open if necessary. Is this correctly coded on the map, or could this gate be misleading my bike GPS navigation?

Thanks a lot! Laurence

asked 15 Apr '15, 15:10

LaurenceK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Apr '15, 15:15

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks. It's a Garmin Edge 800, and the map on it was downloaded by me yesterday from

Great Britain: Basiskarte TK-Great_Britain-Basemap.7z (MD5) 2015-04-09, 9:30 400 MB Basis (Straßen, Flächen, Routing, Adressuche, POIs...) Bicycling-Layer TK-Great_Britain-Bicycling.7z (MD5) 2015-04-09, 9:32 2 MB Layer mit Fahrradrouten

(15 Apr '15, 16:17) LaurenceK

One more question - is there a routing problem with the Mill Road / Kingston Street junction, or the "Hooper Street link", or both? For example, if you try and route from near Devonshire Arms to the Kingston Arms does it get that right? What about from the Kingston Arms to the Backstreet Bistro just around the corner.

Not that it necessarily helps, but I'm pretty sure I've been correctly routed on foot by a Garmin eTrex (my own data) along both sections.

(15 Apr '15, 16:54) SomeoneElse ♦

The gate doesn't have any access permissions set, thus some routers might decide that you can't pass it. You should add foot=yes and bicycle=yes to it.

permanent link

answered 15 Apr '15, 16:45

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


Thanks Scai. I have added the tags you suggested to the gate. If you have time, you could check that I've done it right - I'm new to this.

For the 'No entry' into Kingston Street from Mill Road, I can see that there's a restriction no_right_turn and and restriction no_left_turn. But shouldn't there also be a restriction for no straight on, for motor vehicles coming from Devonshire Road into Kingston Street? How would this be added?

To make sure bikes get routed through, would it be as simple as adding bicycle=yes to Node 14913683?

SomeoneElse - I'm not 100% sure if one of them is problem or both. I will have to try it next time I'm on the bike. Today, navigating from Devonshire Road to Ainsworth Street, it wanted to take me via Catharine Street, so I think it is both.

(15 Apr '15, 17:40) LaurenceK

Interesting, CycleStreets doesnt seem to take account of gates as barriers ( Both the link & the gate were added by one of the Cyclestreets guys, and their journey planner is the one I would trust. I've sent them a link to this query.

(16 Apr '15, 08:40) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 15 Apr '15, 15:10

question was seen: 3,058 times

last updated: 16 Apr '15, 08:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum