Some of the Land Use items I have added to OSM using don't appear to be showing on the map several days later - example here where the man_made storage tanks are not showing. What am I not doing please? Robin |
The OpenStreetMap style is hosted on GitHub, you can see exactly what is, and isn't, displayed there. It looks like You're lucky though, Many thanks for the quick responses. Explains why I can't see them though I don't understand the logic and the GitHub and carto style is all gobbledygook to me - may as well be written in another language! Robin
(12 Apr '15, 12:34)
I'm sure the man_made=storage_tank tag was being displayed on the standard map until recently. All my tanks have disappeared too. Probably just the whim of one of the devs I suppose. 3
Computer says no. I couldn't find a commit removing man_made=storage_tank either. Are you sure they have been rendered in the past? Maybe due to an additional tag (I'm not suggesting to add one :))?
(10 Apr '15, 13:05)
scai ♦
I use an old variant of openstreetmap-carto (from mid last year) and it doesn't render them either, so if there was a change that caused these not to show, if was before then. Maybe some other storage tanks on the map had a building tag on them?
(10 Apr '15, 14:00)
SomeoneElse ♦
It seems very common to add the building tag to storage tanks, though I would have thought that man_made=storage_tank should be sufficient.
(10 Apr '15, 14:26)