At our customer we are making an internet connection possible for clients only for the public IP adressess of The access list is configured in the switch and therefore we need all the public IP adresses which can be resolved by the DNS for the following DNS names:
At the wiki I found multiple public addresses but a few public adresses we found cannot be found in the WIKI. Here are all the addresses we resolved to date:
We would like to get the full list of public IP adresses that can be resolved for the above DNS names. |
OpenStreetMap uses DNS resolving based on geo location, so the IP numbers you get will be dependent on the network you are calling from, on what is assumed to be your location, and on the current configuration of the OSM tile CDN. Additional IP numbers can show up at any time, when additional or different tile proxies are configured for your region. Configuring the list of IP numbers in a switch sounds like asking for trouble to me! |
Maybe setting up a local caching proxy would be an alternative option for you: no IP address problems and (if your users often view the same areas) possibly faster load times, less load on your Internet connection, less load on the donation-driven tile servers. |