Hi! Is it possible to have OSM as part of an Android application where a user can add places using the Android App? I understand that editing can only done in browser. Is this correct? In that case, perhaps this idea can only be done if the Android app has a browser viewing feature? Second, is it allowed to have this feature as part of a larger commercial application? Thanks. |
Absolutely yes, it is a very good idea to do so. There is already several editors on Android from which you can take inspiration (Vespucci, Keypad mapper, ...). |
In general the effort required to write a correct OSM editor (on any platform) is greatly underestimated, particularly the additional effort required for a -simple- editor. I would strongly suggest reading up on the OSM data model and getting some first hand experience before planning and beginning such a project. |
only in browser? No, that is wrong. One of our main editors – in fact THE editor – runs not in the browser but locally on the user's computer via the Java platform. Also see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Android . Regarding "commercial" use, see the older "commercial" questions. When writing an editor you need to take care to educate your users what they should do/modify/add, what materials they are allowed to use (legal isses, see https://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Contributor_Terms ) … this is to ensure that after all you and your users are not damaging the OSM data but rather enhancing it. I would recommend to discuss (present your idea and request comments) your more detailed plans with the community (not here, as this platform is not technically suited) before doing major steps to prevent running into a wrong direction. |
(Others have mentioned how non-web-browsers are OK). There is no problem with commerical applications, or even selling OSM data. So long as you obey the OSM licence. Remember that the OSM project might have different goals than your project. You may want to store something that OSM doesn't want to store (e.g. ratings). In which case you'd need to have an additional database that stores your things. You cannot and should not use OSM as a generic geographic database that you can stuff any data you want in there. |
The Android app Osmand fits your somewhat vague description perfectly. Can show any POI available in OSM, can add info to them, can delete them, can add new ones and then send them back to OSM. |