version française plus bas Hello, after reading the wiki on the tag: caravan_site , it seems that there is a confusion. caravan_site would be rather the places where you can park and spend the night with campers rather than a true camping. It is like this that josm show : equipment- > housing- > Camping : tourism = camp_site equipment- > housing- > Area Service and / or parking for campers -> tourism = caravan site? There has however many campsites that are tagged caravan_site . Should not we use another term that caravan_site to avoid confusion ? and using camp_site for all "real" campsites Vincent Bonjour, après avoir lu le wiki sur le tag : caravan_site, il me semble qu'il y a une confusion. caravan_site serait donc plutôt pour les endroits où l'on peut stationner et passer la nuit avec sont camping car plutôt qu'un véritable camping. C'est un peu comme cela que le présente josm équipement-> logement-> camping : tourism=camp_site équipement-> logement-> Aire de Service et/ou stationnement pour camping car -> tourism=caravan site ? Il y a pourtant de nombreux campings qui sont tagués caravan_site. Ne devrait on pas utiliser un autre terme que caravan_site pour éviter la confusion ? et utiliser camp_site pour tous les "vrais" campings Vincent |
"Un camping" is represented by two tags in OpenStreetMap. Those which predominantly (or solely) accept caravans and motor homes ( At least in the UK (where OSM originated) this distinction is useful. Many caravan sites will not accept tents. In addition there are hundreds of 'static caravan sites' where people leave a caravan year round which will be tagged as The basic scheme works fine for people wishing to find an appropriate place with facilities to pitch a tent or caravan. Obviously there are additional subtleties for motor homes, overlanders etc. Also this tag has been used for 'mobile home parks' ('trailer parks in en-us). As the two tags represent traditional campsites, what tag for areas motorhome? How to apply for a new tag? Motorhome_site? Comme les deux tags représentent des campings classique, quel tag pour les aires camping car ? Comment faire la demande d'un nouveau tag ? Motorhome_site ?
(05 Apr '15, 22:39)
I wouldnt look for a new value unless there are motor-home specific sites. In general the way we manage this sort of extra detail is by using a tag something like motorhome=yes in addition to the tourism=caravan_site or tourism=camp_site. Users can then select those sites which allow motorhomes. You might like to discuss this on the wiki
(06 Apr '15, 10:33)
SK53 ♦