I search and found query of overpass-api to get speed limit of roads but it get by bounding box. I want to get speed limit of only one road by latitude and longitude of road. How can i do that ? |
My problem is when get information by boundingbox, the information of 1 road is repeated like speedlimits or oneway - when repeated, oneway information of road has different. So, i want to get information of road by 1 latitude and 1 longtidue, example when you click 1 point in map view, you can get information of this road. And i scare when boudingbox is to large, data get so slowly such as query on mobile. This should have been a comment instead of an answer. But OSQA just throws an error when trying to convert it to a comment :\
(02 Apr '15, 20:31)
scai ♦
Have a closer look at the overpass-api parameter "around" ... maybe at Overpass_API/Overpass_QL BUT: How will you differentiate when there are other ways around your position that hou have lat lon from? And: what is the source of your lat/lon? Is it sure that each coordinate is a single node wich is an element of a certain way? Or is your lat/lon only "near" any posible street? |