I have a problem... at full zoom the map appears normal but when I zoom out the background starts turning blue by blocks until I get to 1Km 3000ft when the whole background turns blue with mapping detail on top of the blue. This is annoying and not very good when I am showing someone the OpenStreetMap. Can this be fixed? https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1906863462#map=13/52.1646/-0.8787 |
I guess that may be because there is some coastline mapping error (not closed or something). The problem seems to be fixed already, just those tiles were not updated yet. For testing, I have applied /dirty to one tile in each affected zoom level there (e.g. https://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/14/8150/5396.png → https://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/14/8150/5396.png/dirty ), reloaded without cache with ctrl+f5 (Firefox), no more blue. Opened again, now some tiles are blue again. It may be an issue of the tile caching servers. On the "Humanitarian" tiles I could not find "blue" (those tiles are also usually updated in less than a day). So I would assume this to be fixed. Just wait. |