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Nice playground. But what about the wiki ""? Will it disappear? Or will there be just have another place to look to get help. Aren't there already enough or too many places: wiki, forum, mailing list, diaries, blogs?

May be no problem for advanced OSMers but for newbies. As a friend of mine used to say: I love standards, there are so many to choose from.

Will this help also be translated into other languages?

asked 10 Jul '10, 12:46

Willi2006's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 12 Jul '10, 11:57

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan

Bascially the same thing as for the forum applies. This help system is intended as a central place to get help for specific problems. The wiki will continue to document the concepts and tools behind OSM and the dicussions used to derive them.

Think of this help page as a interactice, turbo-charged version of the FAQ inside the wiki.

As to the translation: This has been asked in a separate question (which is good as you shouldn't combine unrelated issues) and will be answered there.

permanent link

answered 10 Jul '10, 12:56

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

The wiki fulfils quite a different function e.g. for presenting longer more detailed documentation on various topics. However some bits of the wiki could perhaps disappear

This new Q&A site functionally overlaps with the FAQ pages on the wiki (the main 'FAQ', the 'Legal FAQ', and the more recent 'Developer FAQ') This is clearly a better way to cover more question topics while still being nicely findable with tags etc. We may also arrive at better answers to questions this way. Then again an 'FAQ' page is a much more widely used and understood format (for the site visitor)

The 'Help' page on the wiki has always sat a little uneasily alongside other wiki content, perhaps because a busy wiki is a bad place to try to create simple concise user help, and also because in a way all wiki content should be help. That page is a bit of a backwater, receiving little attention (certainly I haven't thought about tidying it up in a while) and it's kind of a naming clash with, so I wonder if we should phase out that page somehow.

Currently we have a 'help & wiki' link on the front page. Should that link the word help to perhaps?

All in all I'd say the systems have their place, we should aim to just cross link them as much as possible. Also I could look into making a plugin to present content from here within wiki pages.

To me the overlap between this and the forum is much closer. That's dealt with in a separate question: What about

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answered 13 Jul '10, 13:21

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

edited 23 Jul '10, 17:12


I guess this question came up because the "Wiki" link disappeared from This indeed causes a lot of confusion and leads newbies here instead to the wiki, where they would have found the newbie instructions...

permanent link

answered 07 Jan '11, 16:07

Kartograefin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


This question was asked on July 10th 2010, approximately six months before the wiki link on was renamed 'Documentation'.

(07 Jan '11, 17:07) Richard ♦

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question asked: 10 Jul '10, 12:46

question was seen: 10,586 times

last updated: 07 Jan '11, 17:07

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