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I don't know what to do with this area It's not a park, but it looks like a place for entertaining maybe? Opinions?

asked 29 Mar '15, 00:49

AmaryllisGardener's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Do you have local knowledge about this area? A water tower and some benches don't look very entertaining to me.

(29 Mar '15, 09:30) scai ♦

It appears to have a curved concrete seating area and all of the seating is directed at a structure, and I'm pretty sure that structure is a type of bandstand. The water tower has nothing to do with it.

(29 Mar '15, 13:39) AmaryllisGar...

One possible idea for an open air theatre from the theatre talk page is amenity=theatre theatre:type=amphi (short for amphitheatre)

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answered 01 Apr '15, 14:44

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

I'd ask some of the locals what it's used for - someone will know!

Of course, I'm assuming that you've actually been there, as the level of detail (such as the chain-link fence around the water tower) suggests that you have visited.

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answered 29 Mar '15, 13:53

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I have been there, but only once. I used Google Street View to map the trees, waste baskets, benches, fence, etc.

(29 Mar '15, 14:18) AmaryllisGar...

Many of our viewers are shaking their heads in despair upon this revelation.

(29 Mar '15, 16:26) nevw

So using the Street View to add benches and trash cans is not allowed? What about using the addresses, etc. for businesses? And after reading some of that discussion you linked, I just want to say that I love OSM, but I'm not the type that'll drive to see benches and trash cans so I can map them. I don't even live near that place.

(29 Mar '15, 16:38) AmaryllisGar...

We may use the Bing background aerial and old out of copyright maps but please read this before using any other sources.

(29 Mar '15, 17:05) andy mackey

Ok. I'll stop using Google Street View to see/verify the existence of these items. It limits me quite a lot, but I can still map sidewalks (using the "sidewalk=" tag), some trees, and buildings using the Bing imagery.

(29 Mar '15, 17:55) AmaryllisGar...

On the other hand you can use the photos on to map from. It is a crowd sourced street view project so to speak.

(30 Mar '15, 06:50) escada

Thanks, but are there any limits to getting info like addresses from Google Maps?

(31 Mar '15, 20:27) AmaryllisGar...

You can't use copyrighted information from Google Maps. Neither aerial imagery nor streetview nor addresses nor streetnames nor other POI information. This also applies to almost all similar services except when noted otherwise.

(01 Apr '15, 14:17) scai ♦

Slightly off-topic to the specific question - I've sent you a private message suggesting some tagging/connecting work you could usefully do on the carparks you have mapped in the area.

(02 Apr '15, 00:04) NZGraham

@AmaryllisGardener: even if we would leave copyright aside – we want to better than any other maps (and we are in many places by a big margin), this would not work by (illegally) copying bad data.

(02 Apr '15, 00:34) aseerel4c26 ♦
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question asked: 29 Mar '15, 00:49

question was seen: 3,500 times

last updated: 02 Apr '15, 00:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum