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hi Folks,

I wonder How can I do for creating a route by roadbike between my home and several points, that means several villages like a circuit. For Example: Alcañiz teruel Spain - Valdeltormo - calaceite - Cretas - valderrobres - beceite - valderrobres - la Fresneda - valjunquera - Alcañiz.- Total 104 Kilometers. Once created this track, How to export to my datacenter sigma 4.0.6 and to my computer bike sigma ROX 10.0 GPS. thanks a lot


asked 27 Mar '15, 12:06

Andresin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Mar '15, 13:57

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

There are a number of track/route planning services based on OpenStreetMap data, to name just two and , but there are more. However you will need to ask Sigma which data formats are supported for import.

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answered 27 Mar '15, 12:37

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

… and there are "more": and . @Andresin: try a "gpx track" – I guess that Sigma supports this usual format.

(27 Mar '15, 13:56) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thanks a lot for your help and good info. I WILL Try to do like that. The problem is that using the rox 10.o gps and when I want to create a new track does not allow me to cross the nain roads. Best regards. Andrés

(27 Mar '15, 20:26) Andresin

@Andresin: in which program/tool does "does not allow me to cross the nain roads" happen? Or does it happen while cycling? And what exactly happens ("cross"?)?

(27 Mar '15, 22:36) aseerel4c26 ♦

Only when you want to create a new track on sigma data center 4.0.6.

(28 Mar '15, 10:14) Andresin

For Example. I live at 2 Kmtrs of a national road (Main Road). I Start to create a route using the data center 4.0.6. It is OK until I arrive to the main Road. Then it doesn´t to allow me to continue. When cycling there is no problem. On ly when trying to create a new route. best Regards. Andres

(28 Mar '15, 12:18) Andresin

This is a help forum for users of OpenStreetMap data and related products and services. You fail to indicate what relevance a proprietary product from Sigma has to do with that.

(28 Mar '15, 12:27) SimonPoole ♦
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question asked: 27 Mar '15, 12:06

question was seen: 8,182 times

last updated: 28 Mar '15, 12:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum