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I'm using osmfilter to extract all ferries from a planet file circa 2nd March 2015. Here is the command I'm executing:

osmfilter planet-latest.o5m --keep="route=ferry" -o=ferries.o5m

All the relations and dependent ways seem to be in the extract as expected, however very few nodes make it into the file. My understanding of osmfilter from the wiki is that it includes all dependent objects (eg. nodes in ways). What am I doing wrong?

asked 25 Mar '15, 01:24

milesizzo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Indeed your result should contain all relations, their ways and their nodes, because there is the switch "-ignore-dependencies" to drop all child objects like nodes of a way or ways of a relation.

Please try other filter commands on smaller source files with different map objects, just to see whether osmfilter can bring the result in general you want.

If you have succes with smaller data about other ways or map objects, we can track down why this does not work with your ferry routes.

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answered 25 Mar '15, 17:44

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 25 Mar '15, 01:24

question was seen: 2,971 times

last updated: 28 Mar '15, 13:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum