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Does anyone have an idea of a 'sensible' spec for a global Overpass API instance? I am doing some research into Big Data techniques for OSM, and would like to use Overpass as a comparator system, but a lot of the installation details seem to be quite old, so I was wondering if anyone had done it recently and was able to give a reasonable spec and any idea of how long things might take.

Many thanks


asked 24 Mar '15, 23:48

stev's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Mar '15, 06:24

iii's gravatar image


So you are asking for a doc to clone your own instance?

(25 Mar '15, 06:23) iii

It is for my own instance yes. Testing, not production. I don't need a doc as such, I just want to know what is a reasonable spec, because I'm going to have to rent the server myself, so I don't want to underspec it and not be able to import the planet, or overspec it and pay too much money. I was guessing about 2GB of RAM, and 200GB HDD space. The latter sounds like very little and may be way out of date based on what I've read..

(25 Mar '15, 09:38) stev

I would recommend to ask this question on the dedicated developer list for Overpass API to get some expert-level feedback:

When posting your question, could you please also include some pointers to the installation documentation you've tried out before. Also, please include further details like:

  • do you need current data only or also attic data (=previous object versions).
  • How about meta data for objects, is this also required for your use case?
  • Do you need continuous updates or a one-time set up of the db only?
  • Do you want to import all objects or only certain types (e.g. only highway=*, etc.)

Roland (developer of Overpass API) has recently started to integrate db compression features. However, this is not officially released yet. The Overpass API development list archive has very detailed steps on how to set this up. This might also help to save some disk space.

permanent link

answered 25 Mar '15, 14:02

mmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 25 Mar '15, 14:11


Thanks, I didn't realise there was a mailing list

(29 Mar '15, 13:42) stev

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question asked: 24 Mar '15, 23:48

question was seen: 4,171 times

last updated: 29 Mar '15, 13:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum