Hi folks, I have been running a tileserver, which has been setup using this switch2osm manual on my old machine at home. It serves custom-style tiles for Berlin and it runs OK. I would like to change the region served and updated by mod_tile /osmosis on my test server from Berlin to e.g. Paris or Bavaria in one go. Hence, I would not like the automatic expiry process (sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire) to expire and delete my tiles. Rather I would like to quickly delete all tiles in the default tile directory and reset the expiry mechanism once I have updated the gisdatabase using osm2pgsql. I reckon this saves my weak old machine some time. Does anyone know how to do this or has anyone even done this so far? To be honest, I have already tried to do so and ended up being unable to update my new tileset, i.e. I am mainly looking for a way to reset the update mechanism, so that I don´t have to reinstall everything... Thanks in advance! |
rm -r of the directory with the tiles Thank you, Simon, this removes all my tiles. In fact, I had already done so, but it does not solve my problem. Let me explain a bit more: I cannot remember to have done so but I must have deleted the dirty_tiles-folder as well. Whenever I run the tiles-update-expire script again it throws an error telling me that removing /var/lib/mod_tile/dirty_tiles.4900 (or the like) failed because such a file or directory could not be found. How can I reset the update mechanism ?
(24 Mar '15, 17:18)
does /var/lib/mod_tile still exist?
(24 Mar '15, 18:03)
SimonPoole ♦
Yes, it does.
(24 Mar '15, 18:55)
IMHO there is no "dirty_tiles" folder so this sounds slightly mysterious, are you sure that the permissions for the directories are still ok (typically owned by www-data, but your setup might vary).
(25 Mar '15, 10:48)
SimonPoole ♦
Permissions shouldn´t have changed, but I´ll check this. If it falis, I will have a look at my backups. Ín case I have stored the tile directory I will try to restore it.
(25 Mar '15, 11:35)
Well, it seems as if I haven`t kept any backups for /var/lib/ . That means I am stuck at this point. Has anyone had any ideas ?
(26 Mar '15, 15:39)
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The whole confusion about my broken update mechanism and a missing 'dirty tiles' directory had been kicked off by me disregarding one important point in the referenced switch2osm manual - and SimonPoole was running in the right direction by argueing about missing permissions: I should have run the postgis permissions script, e.g.
, on the database... After doing so, all spooky dirty-tiles messages vanished and I can now change the served region as I like, including a proper updates-and-expiry mechanism. See also here Thanks anyway for your headaches. |