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I am looking for a easy-to-use online service or an offline tool that allows to display tracks and waypoints from a GPX file on a OSM map for printing. The color, with and transparency of the track and the shape of waypoint markers should be configurable. It should be possible to display the waypoint description not in a pop-up but permanently on the map.

I know, this is possible with QGIS, but QGIS is too complex for the intended audience. is rather close to what I am looking for but dsiplays waypoint description in popups only.

asked 24 Mar '15, 10:53

rainerU's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

These free programs work for me
Prune can export a png image that you can print. Viking as a print function but the zoom as fairly large steps, so getting the right size of print is not easy. edit :- another FREE option is Garmin Basecamp software but to get map display you will either need to plug a garmin device with a map into the USB or use a memory stick into which you have loaded one or even several garmin img files. try for one of those. it also as a print function.

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answered 24 Mar '15, 14:10

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 25 May '16, 19:39

Maybe you can find some more services listed in the OSM wiki about Track drawing websites ...

Tell us when a service there is out of order for a longer time, or when a service is missing there.

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answered 24 Mar '15, 17:04

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Garmin Basecamp will do what you require but you don't need to plug a GPS into your computer as stated above. You can download OSM or OCM in Windows format (Installer for Garmin BaseCamp/MapSource (Windows)) from this address That will install your chosen OSM on your computer. You can then select the OSM in Basecamp and import both your .gpx file containing your track(s) and your waypoints. This is something I do quite often.

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answered 09 Jun '16, 12:37

biggles1024's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

opentopomap is also a good source of an excellent rendering of OSM data, the web page map will also display a GPX. They also supply weekly updates of garmin img files that look good on a garmin and they will work on basecamp.

(19 Jul '17, 16:40) andy mackey

You can create and customise printable PDF maps with your tracks and waypoints online on Inkatlas. The colour of the tracks and waypoints is configurable.

Full disclosure: this is my project.

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answered 04 Aug '17, 16:44

inkatlas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I used QBigmap for this task.
You can add your own tile layers if the predefined ones don't suit you. You can add tracks with POI and even images on top of the map.
The tool calculates how to split the map to print it on several sheets

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answered 29 May '16, 18:42

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 24 Mar '15, 10:53

question was seen: 18,870 times

last updated: 04 Aug '17, 16:44

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