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I am using overpas turbo to extract nodes from highways(=motorway). Below is the code that I am using. However, this code gives me all the nodes in the bounding box and does not filter the highways.

out body qt;

asked 17 Mar '15, 05:04

Manish%20Bansal's gravatar image

Manish Bansal
accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Mar '15, 05:12

You must specify the input set of the recuse down operator as well: .b >;, otherwise it will recuse down the current default input set, which here is set by the outermost union parentheses.

Also: when you set the same output data set twice to the same variable (here: ->.b), the former will be overridden by the latter. If you want to merge the results, you'd have to use an union: (…)->.b;. You can also combine a bbox and a tag query into one statement to get the query more concise: way(<bbox>)[<tag>];. In the end the query you are looking for could look like this:

permanent link

answered 17 Mar '15, 07:01

tyr_asd's gravatar image

accept rate: 64%

Thank you very much for your help.

(17 Mar '15, 07:44) Manish Bansal

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question asked: 17 Mar '15, 05:04

question was seen: 3,673 times

last updated: 17 Mar '15, 07:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum