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I am very new to this so forgive me for maybe asking a stupid question but just need to clarify if I can do what I intend to do.

ok, so my idea is to make a personalised clock with a map of a special town, county etc.

I will not be altering or editing the maps just importing map to print.

Is this ok to do? Do i just need to add a copyright of..... to the print.

thank you

asked 16 Mar '15, 16:13

ayz78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please see for additional information on the license. What you are intending to do, is likely governed by the terms for "produced works" and if that is correct, you will simply need to add attribution to OSM in a suitable location.

permanent link

answered 16 Mar '15, 16:27

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

@simonPoole: Thank you, this is what my printed design would look like with the attribution at the bottom right hand corner - the map would be A4 so would the type size be adequate for this.

Thank you

(17 Mar '15, 14:46) ayz78

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question asked: 16 Mar '15, 16:13

question was seen: 3,057 times

last updated: 17 Mar '15, 19:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum