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I have moved a building a little (before it was at the center of the park):

But now it looks strange at the map:

Why does it look correct in edit mode and wrong in display mode?

asked 29 Mar '11, 10:00

YuriLL's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Mar '11, 10:05

It takes a while for the map to get rendered (minutes, hours or even days).

The map is built up of tiles, and sometimes the border of two tiles happen to cross the object one just have edited. If one tile is rendered with the new data, but then adjacent tile isn't - yet, there will be artifacts like the one you have linked to. One just have to wait and the problem will go away when all tiles covering the object have been rendered.

Tiles of different zoom levels are rendered at different times, so if you zoom out you will find that there are levels where the building looks OK.

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answered 29 Mar '11, 10:12

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 29 Mar '11, 10:00

question was seen: 4,704 times

last updated: 29 Mar '11, 10:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum