I need to filter only the road points from the osm file. How can I achieve this. I need it for my research purpose. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Any direct method to get road points would be gretly appreciated.
This question is marked "community wiki".
Your starting point to get the data on your own can be the OSM wiki ... I assume that you are familiar with the OSM database elements like nodes, ways and relations, So then look in the wiki for osmfilter and osmconvert ... or try another model via overpass-api and overpass-turbo. Tell us short here about success or failure. What about using overpass turbo?
(17 Mar '15, 04:55)
Manish Bansal
Yes, overpass-turbo.eu is a very good tool for special OSM data queries. What did you read about it in the OSM wiki? Did you try its wizard modus?
(18 Mar '15, 20:42)
Nope. I followed overpass and had this query which is resolved. https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/41754/extracting-node-from-highways
(18 Mar '15, 20:57)
Manish Bansal
Solution is available at: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/41754/extracting-node-from-highways |