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We have a six-lane major road (3 lanes each way). It has a median in the middle.

At one place, a median break is provided, so that drivers coming from both sides of the road can take U-turn.

However, this gap is kept narrow by design, so that only two-wheelers and LMVs (=Light Motor Vehicles, such as cars) can use it.

Further, for a 100m stretch that leads to this break in the median, the authorities have placed barriers to separate the lane closest to the median. Drivers who want to take a U-turn are supposed to take this lane. Lack of a large turning radius further ensures that only smaller vehicles can take this lane (and then the U-turn).

So larger vehicles like buses and lorries cannot negotiate through the lane+gap.

I would like to map this situation in OSM. Question is, how?

I use iD. I have added many POIs and single-lane roads; and also set some traffic restrictions like "no right" at a signal (India drives on left).

But I don't know how to use iD to set attributes (e.g. access type, or dedicated lanes).

The OSM help is theoretical, BUT does not explain how to use iD or Potlatch2 to set those values. Can someone provide a step-by-step tutorial example?

Secondly, the Indian Motor Vehicle Act uses some definitions like LMV, MMV HMV (light/medium/heavy Motorized Vehicle); which are not found in tags. IINW all Commonwealth countries follow similar nomenclature. So this issue applies to multiple countries. So even in theory, how to set those tags??

Thanks in advance!

Regards, Narayan

asked 13 Mar '15, 06:36

NarayanAras's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Mar '15, 09:36

In OpenStreetMap terms your categories correspond to various access tags as follows:

  • 2-wheeled vehicles to motorcycle
  • LMV to motorcar
  • MMV to goods
  • HMV to hgv

Narrow gaps can be mapped with maxwidth (although this is not something I suspect is widely used in routers). Any additional complexity can probably be handled with similar tags, such as maxweight, but again don't count on these being used by routers.

To add these tags in iD you probably need to go into the All Tags panel where you can add any tags just by clicking on the + (plus) icon and then typing them in.

There are various visualisations of turn restrictions, but not of the other types of access restriction. This is a shame as it would help to check that you have placed the restrictions accurately.

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answered 13 Mar '15, 12:27

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 13 Mar '15, 06:36

question was seen: 3,742 times

last updated: 13 Mar '15, 12:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum