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3D world generation for bicycle simulation (with CityEngine)

Hi, for a 3D simulation Proof of Concept I want to visualize what a specific bicycle route looks like in a city (Geel in my case). For this purpose I need to have:
- All available road details to (hopefully) extract the road geometry including bicycle path, lane divider graphics, road dividers (if any), parking area next to road and curb.
- Road crossing details like 'pedestrian islands', traffic lights, zebra crossings,...
- Plot and buildup data to define buildings with height + roof type and their front/back yards. Building purpose (apartment, offic, private house, bar, religious, ...)
- All bicycle traffic signs and bicycle path graphics
- Open spaces like parking areas (public and non-public), sport fields, parks (with vegetation type and veg distribution type if available)
- Waterways, lakes, pools...
- Woodlands and agricultural surfaces with vegetation
- Bridges and tunnels - Road/traffic splines to use as guides for the 3D simulation PoC
- Train/Tram/Bus specific traffic information (lanes, rails)

I want to generate the 3D model with ESRI's CityEngine. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm new to OSM (and to QGIS which I'm also using) so any noob information/links are very much appreciated.

Many thanks, Erwin

asked 12 Mar '15, 15:51

ErwinV's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I can give you at least two starting points:

the OSM wiki about 3D ... and the special OSM 3D Forum

Because your many questions seem not to be FAQ ...

If you start a thread in the forum, tell us there what OSM based software or datamodels you have tried so far, and tell us there what file format is needed for that ESRI software.

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answered 12 Mar '15, 16:47

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

I also suggest that you start an editor iD or JOSM to get an idea of the quality of the data in your area. With the JOSM editor you can also take a look at the lane and road attributes style which visualises some the the thing you want in 2D.

Things such as curbs or parking lanes are rarely mapped. The emergency lanes are never mapped, there is no tagging schema for them yet. 3D building mapping is rarely done in Belgium so far. In case you need help with some of this data, I suggest you subscribe to the Belgian mailing list. We might think about a mapping party in Geel in order to get more data for your proof-of-concept.

There are other ways to get in contact with the Belgian community, such as meetups and mapping parties, which might be better channels to help you with the data. The pointers that stephan75 gave are better leads for the implementation

Good luck with your project.

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answered 12 Mar '15, 19:56

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 12 Mar '15, 15:51

question was seen: 3,814 times

last updated: 12 Mar '15, 19:56

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