Hello, I believe OSM can, or should support 'crosswalk' urls for physical locations to popular services within the tag structure. For example, and specific to restaurants, Yelp ratings have become the standard for ratings across most restaurants. I dont propose the Yelp rating added, but instead the Yelp URI that would allow a developer link from a physical Place (Restaurant) to a yelp object via the Yelp API. This could be applied to a variety of useful meta services and and added to tags like meta:yelp=yelp.com/blah This would be incredibly useful for folks making geographic databases based on OSM data instead of Google Places or the like. This seems like a powerful feature that is needed. Is this something the community would find useful? A |
We already allow links to web sites and stuff like contact:facebook and contact:google_plus. However links to "data silos" (i.e. third party web sites with non-open content) are not universally welcome because they are viewed by many as an endorsement of the third-party site (and because there are tons of yelp-like sites out there - where would you stop). Frederik You enlightened me on the contact:* tags that I was unaware of before today. It seems like a good place to start however I'm not sure that I agree with Yelp not being a valuable first-party link just like Facebook or Google+. I do concede that there are a number of yelp-like sites, although none with the market share of Yelp. I'm wondering if something like contact:opentable for restaurants might be useful, again given their market share. Thanks in advance.
(10 Mar '15, 17:23)
google+ and facebook differ from yelp in that they can be the restaurant's prefered/official contact method. It's not rare for small businesses to have no online presence except a Facebook account, for example. It's less about market share than about usecase. Yelp would be closer in usecase to wikipedia/wikidata (which we do tag in OSM). This time, it's the openness, scope, and similarity with OSM which makes Wikipedia feel "right" where Yelp feels "wrong".
(10 Mar '15, 18:02)
Vincent de P... ♦
for clarification, I believe this should be a tag like "meta:yelp=<yelp_uri>"