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hi guys i'm just an accountant but i have a big love with coding and making app :). last week i wanna develop my own gps navigation app for my own use. after several days of researching on internet . i find that OSM is my answer so far :). there couple of guys ask similar question like me before but i still wanna ask this a again because other question and answer are mostly for android :). So there are few point i figure out when research and i'm not sure that i understand it clearly. so pls let me know if something wrong :

according to my research making a navigation app for ios can process in 2 ways : 1. use xcode and add another framework , API, from another website ( access their services and must be pay ) like skobbler , argis etc.

  1. use open source like OSM :) to develop my own map view, my own themes for the map ( tile overlay ? not sure). further more, in my app, people can find POI but they also can modify it for their own use. ( have to create a server to save map database and other feature include modified attribute that user provided right ?)

  2. did apple provided framework such as mapkit, MKcorelocation work with OSM api ?

so do u guy have any open resource and tutorial related to ios , it could help me to further research pls share it with me . i will never forget your help.

asked 10 Mar '15, 06:56

lucky%20knight's gravatar image

lucky knight
accept rate: 0%

The app Osmand is opensource, and so far only released as android app,

but programming tasks are very active the last month to release it also for iOS (is said to come the next weeks or month in 2015)

See the github repo of Osmand to get in touch with its sourcecode, partly also for iOS.

permanent link

answered 10 Mar '15, 16:05

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 10 Mar '15, 06:56

question was seen: 4,373 times

last updated: 10 Mar '15, 16:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum