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I made changes to the map. As stated in the FAQ, they will appear on the map after a while. It has been 10 days, changes in Mapnik layer is not visible. In this case, "I have to go to, (Tiles @ home) there is to bring to 12 layer, etc. But do not worry, that the Tiles @ home is closed? Please do not think that I entered the wrong tags (I checked, that's right.) So, if the server itself appears the changes for a very long time, can I quickly processed layers manually?

asked 08 Mar '15, 15:05

GVA2001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The particular problem that caused across-the-board slow rendering recently has been tracked down.

A more general answer to "How often does the 'standard' map get updated" is here. That describes how to manually override the tile expiry mechanism, but that won't work when everyone is doing it because of a wider problem.

If you can link to the area that you've updated, someone can have a look.

One more question - which FAQ are you reading? One that mentions and "Tiles @ home" sounds out of date.

permanent link

answered 08 Mar '15, 15:22

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 08 Mar '15, 15:05

question was seen: 2,296 times

last updated: 08 Mar '15, 15:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum