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I'm hosting a mapping party tomorrow, and in preparation attendees are making OSM accounts and following along with the tutorials at I'm not sure exactly what they are doing, since this is all virtual, but they can't seem to open iD editor. They are automatically directed to Potlatch and can't switch on the drop-down by the green "edit" button.

I've had this problem at previous mapping parties. One or two people can never get iD editor to work. Any ideas?

asked 05 Mar '15, 21:06

CourtneyMClark's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I too experienced this issue when running a university-based workshop. Afterwards I was told there was an Internet Explorer(IE) issue that it was likely to be.

The lack of support for IE is briefly mentioned on the iD page of the OpenStreetMap wiki. As Firefox also has limited support, it seems the best suggestion would be for the user to install the Chrome web browser if they want to use the iD Editor (and thus follow the same instructions from you) rather than other editors.

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answered 05 Mar '15, 21:23

LivingWithDragons's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

edited 05 Mar '15, 21:29


Note that Firefox works without problems, there was some performance issues which may persist at some level, but nothing that should stop you from using FF.

(05 Mar '15, 23:07) SimonPoole ♦

I experienced this issue recently in Lesotho too. They need to open the site in Chrome or Firefox and access iD through there to fix it

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answered 06 Mar '15, 15:11

DaCor's gravatar image

accept rate: 2%

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question asked: 05 Mar '15, 21:06

question was seen: 3,112 times

last updated: 06 Mar '15, 15:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum