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I'm doing a school project- my goal is to simulate some of the city buses driving around in my town. I was just wondering if this was possible with some combination of open source projects related to osm.

I'd essentially like to just draw a number of bus routes on the map (I have lat/long coordinates of all the bus stops), and then I'd like to simulate buses moving along these routes.

It seems like something best done offline- but then the question is, given the info I have (lat/long), is it possible to do the routing offline? If so, what sort of file format should I work in?

Any pointers on how I could get started would be immensely helpful :)

Cheers, Heather

asked 28 Mar '11, 10:54

heathermiller's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Actually I am not sure if you really need "routing" (which would be calculate a route from start to end using a road graph). Your request sounds as if you already knew the routes the busses will take, so you probably want to display these bus routes on a map? Have a look here how bus routes work in OSM:

If I am wrong, this is how you could bring routing to work: You will have to download an osm-extract of the area you are interested in (or download the planet-file and extract it yourself with osmosis). Then you will usually load the data into a database or convert it otherwise to optimize it for the scope. There is projects which offer styles optimized for routing on OSM as well as software to do the routing, e.g. gosmore, monav and others. An introduction to routing and related software can be found here in the wiki.

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answered 28 Mar '11, 13:02

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 28 Mar '11, 13:09

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question asked: 28 Mar '11, 10:54

question was seen: 5,786 times

last updated: 28 Mar '11, 13:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum