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Hi, On my Garmin Nuvi 2595LMT any address from gmapsupp.img (from that I search as destination is not found.

The map file is on the SD card in the Garmin folder, no other file in there. I tried in many occasions with multiple maps it it's doing the same no matter which map is loaded. It does not find anything, not even the city or country. For instance I have the map of Switzerland activated, I enter partly the street name, and the autocomplete proposes the correct full name of the street, but then it says it cannot find it. Then I enter Switzerland in the "Look in..." field, it autocompletes "Switzerland" and then it says "Sorry, we could not find Switzerland".

The point is if I manually zoom on the map to the address I am looking for, I see it, I can put my finger and set the map location as a destination and it will take me there.

I always have the latest software updates, but it does not make a difference anyway. The device works normally with the Garmin pre-loaded North America map. I put the same SD card on my friend's device - a Garmin Nuvi 3790LMT - and this one finds the address with no problem. But the menus are totally different also.

Anyone experiencing similar issues with Nuvi 2595LMT? I am trying to understand if it's a software incompatibility or just my hardware has an issue.

asked 02 Mar '15, 17:39

Dani's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Mar '15, 22:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Do you encounter the same issues with other Garmin maps for OSM?

(03 Mar '15, 07:57) scai ♦

Adress search works fine in my 2455LMT. I would ask in the forum

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answered 03 Mar '15, 10:29

Muralito's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have a similar model (2555LMT), and the same things happen when you try to search. Apparently, the OpenStreetMap maps don't work very well with Garmin devices just yet. It's because the developers don't know exactly how Garmin processes addresses, since their software is proprietary. I would talk to a Nominatim developer.

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answered 02 Mar '15, 21:44

pa_roads's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hmm, Nominatim? Why that? Nominatim is the backend of the search on - but not related to the search on Garmin devices or with OSM-based Garmin maps.

(02 Mar '15, 22:32) aseerel4c26 ♦

I can successfully route to addresses using a map on my Garmin Oregon 450, so it isn't a matter of not knowing how Garmin processes addresses.

...of course, it only works if the address I want is present in the OSM data!

(03 Mar '15, 00:34) alester

@alester: well, it still could be a matter of knowing how Garmin processes addresses - for this specific device. Maybe it works different as your Oregon 450?!

(03 Mar '15, 00:36) aseerel4c26 ♦

@aseerel4c26: This specific device shouldn't be the problem as Garmin nuvi devices are usually well supported, although the address search is still not ideal and sometimes requires special steps to make it work correctly.

(03 Mar '15, 07:55) scai ♦

@scai: Can you elaborate on the special steps to make address search work correctly?

(03 Mar '15, 13:39) Dani

@Dani See the already mentioned forum thread for maps provided by

(03 Mar '15, 14:02) scai ♦
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question asked: 02 Mar '15, 17:39

question was seen: 11,483 times

last updated: 03 Mar '15, 14:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum