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I've read on the wiki about the piste:type and piste:difficulty tags, but are they actually rendered on the main site?

asked 25 Feb '15, 11:48

LogicalViolinist's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

No, currently they are not rendered on the standard layer. But according to the list of OSM-based services there is OpenPisteMap which does show objects with these tags.

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answered 25 Feb '15, 12:01

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


There is also OpenSnowMap ( which enables searching for individual trails. It is highly unlikely that such items will be shown on the Standard style: winter trails often follow paths, tracks and roads and these are already shown.

(25 Feb '15, 12:44) SK53 ♦

I like the opensnowmap interface. OpenPisteMap doesnt seem to render the the downhill tracks I added a couple days ago. Opensnowmap rendered them without any issues. I wish this feature could be brought to openstreetmap either as a different layer or part of the standard :(

(25 Feb '15, 13:07) LogicalVioli...

OpenSnowMap does indeed look nicer.

@LogicalViolinist: There are rather high requirements for tile servers to become part of the layer selection. That's why we have so few of them at the moment. I remember these requirements to be listed somewhere in the wiki but I couldn't find them.

(25 Feb '15, 13:27) scai ♦

@LogicalViolinist: If it helps, it is possible to make "non-standard" tiles appear on, although it's far from straightforward. See .

(25 Feb '15, 14:22) SomeoneElse ♦

If you are looking for an off line way to see ski trails, there is at least one style for OsmAnd which shows them. I find that useful when actually skiing as I usually have my Android phone with me.

(25 Feb '15, 16:36) n76
(25 Feb '15, 19:50) SimonPoole ♦
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question asked: 25 Feb '15, 11:48

question was seen: 3,051 times

last updated: 25 Feb '15, 19:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum