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For legal reasons I started out mapping my home area under a secret pseudonym account. Today I have an other account, based on my real name.

But now I really needed to login and accept the ODBL license for my old account, not to risk removal of this data, and also losing all small improvements made over years.

I did have a password written on a note. But something was wrong. I was not able to log in.

Unfortunately the e-mail-service I used back then has been closed down. And its domain has been taken over by someone else.

(I did believe I can prove I am the "legal owner" of this old account. I did have a password, alomost right(?). I did know the registered e-mail-address. And I had at least one GPX-trace uploaded for this account, not made public. Also. The time line supports my story. When the activity of this old account ends, my current account was started. And we mapped in the same area.)

So my original question here, was for help to either reclaim this account, or even better, simply merge its data into my current account?

My major and urgent problem is solved now. But the question remains, kind of. It would still be great if someone could help me merge the two accounts, for easier administration, and less confusion when other mappers want to get in touch with "us".

Who has access to the database at this level, and has the possibility to help with this kind of matters?

Perhaps the few ones that could help with this wish to remain "hard to find". In that case my email is: 04@hen (without the space)


asked 27 Mar '11, 00:09

henriko's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Mar '11, 00:00

if you had legal reasons the time you created the account I hope for you that these are now obsolete, as you linked the secret account to your current one in this public forum.

(27 Mar '11, 16:15) dieterdreist

The legal issues with making maps are still the same in my country. I just have gained courage, when I realized how many other was contributing quite open. They will have to build a new prison for us, if sharing our road trips and walks are considered as making maps.

I have now removed the detailed from my post. But that was just to shorten my new rephrased question. Thank for your concern.

(28 Mar '11, 00:13) henriko

Problem solved. Yes!

I have received help from the current domain holder of the former e-mail service, who has been kind to first look for my forgot-my-password-e-mail without any success. And then made a forward for this address to me. Then I was able to set a new password and login.

Sorry that I have bothered you with this.


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answered 27 Mar '11, 23:38

henriko's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Mar '11, 00:09

question was seen: 8,020 times

last updated: 28 Mar '11, 00:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum