I'm a beginner and I would like to know if it is possible to map information like "the farm A supplies the restaurant B". Provided the fact that A and B are mapped place in osm. |
This is clearly something that would belong in a seperate database/dataset (yes it would be "possible" but really not the done thing). 1
Welcome to OSM. OSM is many things but is primarily a database for storing geographic information. Folks are always wanting to "personalize" it with information they use or like but that isn't really legitimate. For example, people tag things so they can be "found" on their GPS units. This is something OSM tries to avoid because for one thing, not everyone has that same end-use in mind when they use OSM data to build maps. Plus, data like "farm A supplies restaurant B" might change in the future. If you're not around to catch that change how then would I or someone else know about it? Dave
(24 Feb '15, 00:33)
you can tag Contrary to what Simon says, you could use a relation to link both objects or use a operator tag which refers (somehow …) to another OSM object. Yes, that is not really "beginner"-level. 2
Just to be clear, the "operator" tag in no way implies "supplies" - it implies "operates". So for example, the milk from cows on the farm up the road from me will probably end up on various supermarket's shelves (probably via one of the milk wholesalers). It doesn't mean that the supermarket operates the farm.
(24 Feb '15, 01:56)
SomeoneElse ♦
@SomeoneElse: umm, okay.. right. I did not think long enough on "supplies", I think. It would be good if @moxgreen could explain in more words what is meant by "supplies" here.
(24 Feb '15, 02:15)
aseerel4c26 ♦