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Sorry to be a nuisance we're newbies! We ordered 2 maptiles last night and downloaded them onto our pc but we can't open them. We get a message that the file can't be mounted and is corrupt. We put the file in the Garmin file on the pc.

We attached our Garmin, put in a new SD card and, following prompts on the pc, formatted it. We tried to "Unpack" the file following the instructions on Ehow by right-clicking on it, but the only viable option was "Open" which again produced the message that the file couldn't be opened. We then dragged the file to disk F, but it hasn't appeared on our Garmin device. We've followed Rainmaker's instructions on this, but only the Garmin basemap is available on the device. We've turned the Garmin off and on again but still no sign of the maps.

Can you help, please? We've tried very hard, but we're not very good at this sort of thing!!

asked 23 Feb '15, 10:31

Struggler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Feb '15, 14:35

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I guess that you're asking about something that you've downloaded from . If none of the previous answers here work (try searching for "Garmin") I'd ask over at - that's the forum where those downloads are supported from.

It'd also help if you could be a bit more specific about what you've tried (e.g. "instructions on Ehow" - what was the link to those instructions and at what point were you unable to follow them?).

(23 Feb '15, 10:42) SomeoneElse ♦

It's a 62S. The file name ends in Yes, that's the advice we've followed.

(23 Feb '15, 10:52) Struggler

Thank you for this. I now can't find the file at all on the pc so I apologise for bothering you kind people. We'll order the tiles again and I'll try the forum you suggest - although I did search before I asked the question.

(23 Feb '15, 11:03) Struggler

If you have a file named that means it's a compressed file (a zipped file) and must first be unzipped. Get a copy of 7-Zip File Manager (free), unzip the gmapsupp.img that I hope will be inside and load that into your Garmin.

permanent link

answered 23 Feb '15, 11:09

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


Hello again - Success! We re-ordered the maps and this time, right-clicking on the downloaded file gave an option to "Extract". I did this, moved the file to the Garmin again and hey presto! Might be a good idea to download the unzipping program too - thanks AlaskaDave!

(23 Feb '15, 11:51) Struggler

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question asked: 23 Feb '15, 10:31

question was seen: 10,414 times

last updated: 23 Feb '15, 14:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum