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I'm a newbie and feel a little foolish to ask this question. I have learned that you can get the routing distance between two points like Paris and Berlin. Is it possible to ask for the distance between two points separated by countries, like driving from Paris to Berlin means x km in France and y km in Germany?

How could you do that?

Thank you very much for your advice

asked 20 Feb '15, 11:26

Karten-Newbie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


thank you for your advice. What I have learned so far is that I can get the routing information from ( and with that information I can get the country information from Nominatin.

What I'm still missing - is there any trick how I could get the information if one of the routing distances is a highway, and/or whether I do have to pay toll. What I'm asking is: Is there anything like Nominatin with additional fields (highway, toll road)?

Thanks again for your help.

(26 Feb '15, 10:21) Karten-Newbie

Most routing engines provide you with instructions which often contain markers where you cross the border. You may use these points to calculate the distance within a given country (like MapQuest Open). Often even if it's missing (osrm, openrouteservice, YOURS, graphhopper) there is an indicator of border crossing like roads changing their names, which could help you. (There's a few link on my bookmark page.)

permanent link

answered 20 Feb '15, 17:12

grin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 20 Feb '15, 11:26

question was seen: 4,786 times

last updated: 26 Feb '15, 10:35

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