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I am using Mapquest javascript Maps API for displaying optimized route. Free & Open services of Mapquest utilize Open Data, comes primarily from the OpenStreetMap community. I am not getting route between postcodes like 10011,10012,10013 (likely many others). But I am getting route between these postcodes at What are the options to get optimized route between these postcodes?

asked 18 Feb '15, 14:28

saurabh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you tell us to which geographic region these postcodes are supposed to belong? So we can check whether they are included in OSM.

(18 Feb '15, 14:43) scai ♦

Thank you for your approach.These postcodes are from Newyork,US. Actually we are sending postcodes only to get an optimized route between those postcodes from API and fetching postcodes falling on that route. We do not have full address all the time of these postcodes. when I am trying to find route between 10011 and 10012 or between 10011 and 10013, an javascript alert returns "Couldn't find a route between those two places." But direction between 10012 and 10013 postcodes displays a route.(searching in site).

(19 Feb '15, 11:23) saurabh

There are other addresses

481 Van Buren St, Apt D4, BROOKLYN NY 11221-3029 US

26 locust dr apt 57, summit NJ 07901 US

These addresses can not be found in map,though these locations exists.

(19 Feb '15, 11:23) saurabh

The 1st address is here the 2nd one is currently not present in OSM (but TIGER data can be used to get a rough location)

However there are basic issues with what you are trying to do. Usage and even the basic semantics of post codes differ strongly from country to country. In some regions they are larger areas that can be defined by a polygon (for example Germany), in some countries they are essentially a list of addresses along a delivery route (US), in others they are essentially an ersatz address spanning just a few postboxes (UK) and I'm sure there are other systems out there.

So before you embark on doing anything with postcodes (in the end regardless of source and country) you need to know what you are actually dealing with.

As you can see from above what you intend to do is likely nonsense condsidering the US postcode system. There have been attempts to provide approximate postcode polygons for the US (and there is I believe even some open data) and where OSM address data is reasonably complete (NYC for example) you might even be able to generate such from OSM, but in normal circumstances you will not find them actually in the OSM data.

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answered 19 Feb '15, 14:15

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 24 Feb '15, 10:47

Just to add another example to mix. Ireland will be getting postcodes ("eircode") this year, and they will be unique per address/postbox.

(24 Feb '15, 13:02) rorym

We haven't managed to walk around all the streets to collect each address and add to the osm yet. Sorry. If you require all the addresses in your map you will need to purchase a commercial product until we get up to speed.

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answered 19 Feb '15, 11:44

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%


Or add them yourself. :)

(19 Feb '15, 12:39) Richard ♦

Actually we do have "everything" wrt addresses for NYC.

(19 Feb '15, 14:00) SimonPoole ♦

HI we are open to go for commerical product.Can you tell us the rates or i can see rates for commercial on the mapquest site will be great.I tried to find it provides a form to fill up.I need to see rates or i can give call to representative.

Can you help me in this regard.Once i get commercial rates i can talk with my directors about costing.

(23 Feb '15, 16:32) saurabh

@saurabh If you want to know what Mapquest's rates for things are, you'll have to ask Mapquest. There are some links here:

(23 Feb '15, 16:47) SomeoneElse ♦

browsing on mapquest website takes me to ... so you can ask there on your own, or not?

(23 Feb '15, 16:51) stephan75

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question asked: 18 Feb '15, 14:28

question was seen: 5,001 times

last updated: 24 Feb '15, 13:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum