Hi, I recently downloaded a map generated by http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/. The data I downloaded was the map was of Ecuador, with the option "Generic Routable (new style)." The resulting map does have the direction tags rendered, however it seems like streets tagged with oneway using the "-1" option to switch the directionality have arrows pointing the wrong way on Basecamp and my Garmin GPS. JOSM in these cases points the correct way, as does the openstreetmap web site. I'd be happy to try to make a contribution (code or data), but does anyone have a pointer to where this may be occurring? If this isn't the best place to report this kind of issue, I'd appreciate a pointer to the correct bug tracking system. Thanks, Justin |
oneway=-1 is a correct/not seldom tagging, so any Garmin map should be able to work with this (although this might involve a bit of programming in the map creation process which may simply not be done yet, but I doubt it). First check that the OSM data is right (which you seem to have done already). Afterwards you may want to contact the creator of the garmin.openstreetmap.nl map. You find contact data in the left menu there. As far as I know using the linked forum thread is best (the map creator is active there). 3
Thanks @aseerel4c26. I've done a bit more research and posted to the forum for http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl/. FYI, it seems it's probably just an incorrect style being applied, as indicated on the mkgmap-dev list.
(18 Feb '15, 08:38)
That said, about the only time I can think of using oneway=-1 myself was for some bizarre alleyway next to the railroad tracks and State Street in Salem, Oregon where a few modes were one way in one direction, a mode or two could go both ways, and the default signed was the direction opposite the majority of traffic's flow. I honestly can't think of any situation where oneway=-1 doesn't involve an exceptionally convoluted ground truth. Definitely a bug in the navigation toolchain for you. Probably also a tagging bug.
(18 Feb '15, 20:12)
Baloo Uriza
You can avoid the oneway=-1 issue by reversing the draw direction of a way before applying the oneway tag. oneway=-1 is only invoked when the direction of travel is in the opposite direction from the draw direction. The tag is so confusing to me that I'll sometimes delete it, reverse the way by typing R, then reapply the oneway tag.
(18 Feb '15, 23:53)
@AlaskaDave: whyever you are deleting the tag just to re-add it later … but check that no other tag/relation refers to the way's direction when reversing a way (if your editor doesn't do that for you)! Yes,
(19 Feb '15, 00:11)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I would never change a pre existing oneway=-1 tag. I only use the method I described when adding new stuff to OSM.
(19 Feb '15, 01:29)
@AlaskaDave: Ah, sorry, it was not clear to me that you were talking about new ways, thanks!
(19 Feb '15, 01:58)
aseerel4c26 ♦
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It is fixed in the style of the Generic new OSM maps, thanks for reporting Justin! |