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I am interested in using an API that would do the following:

Input: a geographic bounding box Output: a list of OSM contributors, ordered by the number of edited ways, nodes and relations from that bounding box.

I checked the OSM API, but I didn’t find anything helpful. The history section displays recent changesets from the visible map, very similar to what I would need. Is it using an internal API? Would it be possible to implement the API myself if it's not available? If yes, what would be the easiest way to do so?


asked 17 Feb '15, 14:06

AlexIlisei's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It may not be what you're looking for, but there is an API call for "changesets in a bounding box":

It's not "for all time" though - just the last 100.

(20 Feb '15, 18:54) SomeoneElse ♦

not an API (directly, except if you can find an internal interface in the JavaScript source) and not with all that restrictions, but do you know who's around me? Also see nearby users.

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answered 17 Feb '15, 14:10

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you, will definitely take a look !

(18 Feb '15, 13:13) AlexIlisei

Have a closer look at OSM_Mapper by ITO-World ... it has several features, like nshowing most active mappers in a defined bounding box.

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answered 17 Feb '15, 16:30

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Thank you, will definitely take a look !

(18 Feb '15, 13:09) AlexIlisei

To get access to this service you have to write them an email. They will answer within a few hours and open an account for your email address. Worked well for me. And this is the easiest way I have found to evaluate the top contributors of a bounding box without hacking. But I also use the overpass api mentioned by @joostschouppe in his answer and pipe the output through self made scripts.

(13 Feb '18, 23:05) erik

Another option to look at is Whodidit

It has an API that returns changesets per tile, for example:,40.685132455819,-111.77749252321,40.740783521057


 { "type" : "FeatureCollection", "features" : [{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-111.78,40.68],[-111.77,40.68],[-111.77,40.69],[-111.78,40.69],[-111.78,40.68]]]},"properties":{"changesets":"20478128,16462841","nodes_created":"2","nodes_modified":"0","nodes_deleted":"0"}}, {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-111.8,40.68],[-111.79,40.68],[-111.79,40.69],[-111.8,40.69],[-111.8,40.68]]]},"properties":{"changesets":"22954115,22954072,22954020,16712027,16449373,15265638,13183220,12441600,12293424,12293394","nodes_created":"24","nodes_modified":"21","nodes_deleted":"60"}},


You can then query the changesets with

Which will return add / modify / delete counts per user for those:

[{"changeset_id":"27348492","change_time":"2014-12-09 04:25:08","comment":"adding detail with bing images and tiger data Keep right not connected roads and bad intersections ","user_id":"567792","user_name":"Natfoot","created_by":"iD 1.6.2","nodes_created":"102","nodes_modified":"15","nodes_deleted":"42","ways_created":"7","ways_modified":"16","ways_deleted":"4","relations_created":"0","relations_modified":"1","relations_deleted":"0","suspicious":0},


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answered 19 Feb '15, 16:29

mvexel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There might be issues with using other files than history files. If using a current world dump, you will miss a lot of contributors with few changesets. I wrote a bit about that in this post.

If this is an issue, you could use these regularly updated full history dumps. Using the history splitter you can make a full history dump for the bounding box that interests you. The history-renderer imports this into a Postgress database which you could easily use to export the data you need.

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answered 20 Feb '15, 18:47

joost%20schouppe's gravatar image

joost schouppe
accept rate: 12%

This Overpass query will get you a CSV of all the contributors who are still visible in the current map data for a bounding box. Now all you have left to do, is count the number of nodes, ways and relations per contributor.

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answered 25 Nov '16, 18:43

joost%20schouppe's gravatar image

joost schouppe
accept rate: 12%

Works very good. If you want to further evaluate, plot etc. the data, you can use the export tab and click on rawdata from overpass API to get a file that contains the output data.

(13 Feb '18, 22:58) erik

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question asked: 17 Feb '15, 14:06

question was seen: 4,966 times

last updated: 13 Feb '18, 23:07

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