Hi, First time I've used OpenStreetMap, and wondered if there was a way for me to download all the street names within a certain area? Many thanks asked 16 Feb '15, 17:07 sparkyrowe aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Something like MapOSMatic might suit your needs answered 23 Feb '15, 21:48 DaCor |
For "one-time" use likely using the Overpass API vie the overpass turbo GUI is your best bet: http://overpass-turbo.eu/ You can use the "in" extension to limit you search results to a city if the corresponding boundaries exist in OSM. Note that you will need to make up your mind what you consider a street, in other words which highway tag values you want to consider. answered 16 Feb '15, 20:06 SimonPoole ♦ 2
In Overpass, you can even export to CSV. If you start your query with [out:csv(name)]; it will just give you al list of all names (including duplicates) you can load in a spreadsheet editor.
(21 Feb '15, 10:59)
It would have been nice to add a concrete example, e.g. "in" is only available when using the Overpass Turbo wizard. which Simon didn't mention in this reply.
(21 Feb '15, 16:05)
Do a search on this FAQ site for keywords like "export street list" or similar. There have been definitively answers to some older questions like yours before answered 17 Feb '15, 16:26 stephan75 |