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Hello! Need help. I added the roads and buildings (house), retained, but when viewing them could not be seen, then a little closer and they came, why and how to fix it? refresh the page does not help

Read that you need to wait .. I waited for two hours, no change. How much time is spent and whether changes when downloading maps with other services in the form pbf?

PBF downloading from here I want to add all the objects of my city. So the spacecraft is a lot of work, it is necessary to be sure, because while I check. sorry for google transliteration)) I tried to convert in osm pbf on your PC, the program does not read them, and those who shake on the website mentioned above are suitable. I have to wait for an update ??? ))

Здравствует! Нужна помощь. я добавил дорогу и строение (дом), сохранил, но при просмотре их не было видно, затем немного приблизил и они появились, почему и как это исправить? обновлении страницы не помогало.

Прочитал, что нужно подождать.. Ждал часа два, изменений нет. Как много времени уходит и будут ли изменения при скачивании карты с другого сервиса в формате pbf?

asked 16 Feb '15, 13:49

Scallllllllll's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Feb '15, 16:49

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


maybe the old "update"-related questions help?

(16 Feb '15, 14:46) aseerel4c26 ♦

just RTFM of your used service! :-) The help site of bbbike's extract service says "The planet.osm database will be updated every week."

Also see

permanent link

answered 16 Feb '15, 16:43

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 16 Feb '15, 16:46


If every week is good, more importantly, not every month / year)) aseerel4c26, thank you!

(16 Feb '15, 17:00) Scallllllllll

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question asked: 16 Feb '15, 13:49

question was seen: 4,435 times

last updated: 16 Feb '15, 17:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum