Hi! Subway entrance seems to be one of most important things in city-navigation. Often, when you see a map, you first look at subway-stations and then detalize yourself more only from there. For some reason, I have a feeling that OSM (at least the default one used at openstreetmaps.org website) doesn't put a subway on top of other symbols. Even worse, sometimes it actually hides one for rendering other things. Also, it renders subway-entrance as a simple blue square, while other symbols have pictograms. I find it to be really confusing: Consider this, center of Kyiv (Ukraine): https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/50.44694/30.52306 In the very middle of the screen there should be one "Хрещатик" stagion, there, between two blue men pictograms going underground. There it is on google: https://www.google.com.ua/maps/place/%28120%29+Khreshchatyk,+Kyiv,+Kyiv+city/@50.4475539,30.5220287,17z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x40d4ce56b2456d3b:0xd062ae171b57e947!2sKhreschatyk+St,+Kyiv,+Kyiv+city!3b1!3m1!1s0x40d4ce56b77acee3:0x98a3c079a237b1bf?hl=en The problem is that this pictogram is hidden, while only alternative entry to this subway is shown on the right. I find this to be very weird choice and wondered if I'm the only one who thinks so and if this is known or not. Thank you! |
I guess the right place to discuss this bug is where the maintainers of our official mapstyle do they work :-) https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues 3
(15 Feb '15, 12:00)