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Subway entrance seems to be one of most important things in city-navigation. Often, when you see a map, you first look at subway-stations and then detalize yourself more only from there.

For some reason, I have a feeling that OSM (at least the default one used at website) doesn't put a subway on top of other symbols. Even worse, sometimes it actually hides one for rendering other things. Also, it renders subway-entrance as a simple blue square, while other symbols have pictograms. I find it to be really confusing:

Consider this, center of Kyiv (Ukraine):

In the very middle of the screen there should be one "Хрещатик" stagion, there, between two blue men pictograms going underground. There it is on google:,+Kyiv,+Kyiv+city/@50.4475539,30.5220287,17z/data=!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x40d4ce56b2456d3b:0xd062ae171b57e947!2sKhreschatyk+St,+Kyiv,+Kyiv+city!3b1!3m1!1s0x40d4ce56b77acee3:0x98a3c079a237b1bf?hl=en

The problem is that this pictogram is hidden, while only alternative entry to this subway is shown on the right.

I find this to be very weird choice and wondered if I'm the only one who thinks so and if this is known or not.

Thank you!

asked 14 Feb '15, 17:04

k-bx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I guess the right place to discuss this bug is where the maintainers of our official mapstyle do they work :-)

permanent link

answered 15 Feb '15, 07:49

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 14 Feb '15, 17:04

question was seen: 2,052 times

last updated: 15 Feb '15, 12:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum