I'm building up working process for analysing addresses in the database. So I use osm2pgsql for import the data from pbf and append osc-files. In the following steps I take this data for generete my own optimized dataset. For getting all ways I need, I used the Additional rows are created for ways which are members of type=route relations:
Since there may be multiple chunks per relation, negative IDs are not necessarily unique. I only need ways which meens: I only need elements with To reproduce this you can take an extract e.g. bremen: http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany/bremen-150207.osm.pbf Now I import it with default style settings:
Now you can query the table:
You can found this element: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/166985155 this is a simple way, it is defined twice, in 2 chunks. Why does osm2pgsql split this way in two chunks? How can I avoid this behavior? If I use ST_UNION() a complete way is shown without any gap. asked 09 Feb '15, 17:12 Christopher |
osm2pgsql has code to split up long lines. The limit is set here: to about 100.000 Google Mercator units (roughly meters) which your ferry line might well be above. Change the source code and recompile. answered 09 Feb '15, 20:17 Frederik Ramm ♦ Hi, this bugs was fixed? There are an option to say "not split"?
(31 Oct '18, 12:27)
The reason why I don't use planet_osm_roads is, that this table don't contain all needed ways: see that answer