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I've a English speaker who resides in Thailand, who does not read Thai nor the languages of other Asia countries. My OSM language setting is "en-US,en" (w/o quote marks).

I need to have the OSM maps to be in English, as much as possible, yet my current language setting doesn't seem to accommodate this.

Help, please. Thanks!

asked 08 Feb '15, 09:24

grathiam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 01 Mar '22, 19:41

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


Thanks for the replies, and now feeling somewhat embarrassed. I must admit that when I posted my query, I'd not zoomed in on the map which then revealed many details translated into English.

(09 Feb '15, 02:54) grathiam

As I understand it, you can only see the English on Thai maps if the person who added the item used English in the primary field. This is against the OSM recommendations for updating maps. Editors should enter the local language in the primary field. There are secondary (translation) fields where translations can also be added, but those aren't displayed on OSM maps. So, it is an 'error' if you are seeing the English.

(30 Apr '20, 04:58) JacksonMrsSippy

The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem is not reproducible or outdated" by SimonPoole 01 Mar '22, 19:41

« previous12

From my point of view it's a technical problem with resources - we hardly deal with rendering just one style using OSMF servers. There's not easy way to add more of them, however migration to vector tiles gives hope to solve it and have multiple languages available:

This is how it's done by Wikimedia, although their Brighmed style is very simple and made from the ground up:

In the meantime you can try to deploy your own code with l10n fork or use this map for English names where possible:

permanent link

answered 23 May '18, 17:27

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 23 May '18, 19:30

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question asked: 08 Feb '15, 09:24

question was seen: 32,391 times

last updated: 01 Mar '22, 19:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum