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My home is located on a corner at the intersection of two well-traveled roads. I have lived here for 14 years and nearly all delivery drivers or visitors have told me that the GPS (I presume many different versions and devices) tells them to continue on down a road after they have passed my property on the corner. The directions indicate the home will be down the road on the left, but there are no houses down the road on the left, only fences and backyards. I have even had people who are very irritated with me for the bad directions.

How can I get the GPS corrected for my address? Thank you.

asked 04 Feb '15, 23:22

elan123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Feb '15, 12:27

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

What directions are the delivery drivers following when they go to the wrong place - is it to a postcode or zip code, or something else?

(04 Feb '15, 23:27) SomeoneElse ♦

hey are going to a specific address/house number and are directed past the home down the road where no other homes face the street. Then they call and I tell them to come back to the corner where they turned and it is the only house on the corner.

(04 Feb '15, 23:44) elan123

Please note that not all GPS systems are based on OpenStreetMap. This means that you have only corrected the data for those that do use it. In case they are using data from one of the many commercial providers (Google, TomTom, Garmin, etc.) they might still turn up in the wrong place.

(05 Feb '15, 07:55) escada

When you zoom in to your actual house location on the map at does it show your house or a point with your correct address? If not, then use the edit feature to add your house and address. The GPS software that uses OpenStreetMap data will eventually be updated to use your new information. The time it takes depends on how often each particular GPS software vendor/project updates their maps.

For good measure, you could check and add or fix the addresses for your neighbors too. :)

If the delivery drivers or other visitors are using non-OSM based map data then there is not much we can do here to help.

permanent link

answered 04 Feb '15, 23:44

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

No house location or point although the full address, including country, does show up on the left side, then says "no results". I'll try to edit. Thanks. I have a list of data map companies/software to contact so that non-OSM users will correct it too.

(04 Feb '15, 23:49) elan123

Thank you!! I found the error and corrected it. I can see why people couldn't find it and it was easy to correct.

(04 Feb '15, 23:59) elan123

Congratulations on your first successful OSM fix/edit. It can become addictive. :)

If you like and accept an answer on this help forum it is considered good form to mark the answer as "accepted".

(05 Feb '15, 00:00) n76

@elan123: do you mean node 3331150435? You have created a new object (not moved an old one). And there is a problem: you new object will not really be helpful to anybody as it just is consisting of a "name". So, should this be house number 801 on the Highland Place Road? We can make it really useful then (Update: … in the meantime this already has been done by another user)!

So, now, users of automotive navigation systems which are based on OpenStreetMap data should find your correct location.

(05 Feb '15, 02:01) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thanks, Everyone. Yes, my correction was meant to show "801"

(05 Feb '15, 17:29) elan123

stf, I'm not sure how to mark comments/answers as "accepted". I did click the "like" button.

(05 Feb '15, 17:33) elan123

You have to click on this check mark below the thump buttons: vote accepted

(05 Feb '15, 18:32) scai ♦
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question asked: 04 Feb '15, 23:22

question was seen: 10,801 times

last updated: 05 Feb '15, 18:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum