Hi. Is there any way to count the number of water bodies in OSM? |
You have actually asked two unrelated questions. The second question about the total number of water bodies in OSM is still open. So, let me try. Assume, we understand the same thing under the notion "water body", namely - a simple area defined by one and only one outer/enclosing border polygon and a zero or an arbitrary number of inner/excluding/hole border polygons (so, the water area is between these two border classes). Then, the water bodies in the same water class (like rivers, channels, lakes and so on) are isolated/unrelated objects (even if one is in a hole of another one, no common border sections exist ...) and the numbers bodies per classes are: 1,509 in the sea class (based on coastline data as an inverse of the land bodies), 5,630,410 in the lake class (inclusive basin, reservoir and intermittent water classes as well), 307,659 in the river class and 4,265 in the channel class. In total, 5,943,843 water bodies. |
Yes and no. http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/natural=water tells you that there are (at the time of writing) 5,871,787 OSM objects tagged 1
There's another reason why not all natural=water areas represent water bodies: Depending on the water=* subtag, these areas might instead represent reflecting pools, moats and other things you might not consider a "water body". A minority of mappers even advocate mapping rivers as natural=water + water=river instead of waterway=riverbank.
(05 Feb '15, 13:29)