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I understand that OSM is just the data. For using this data I would need some other API to use it with.

I am developing a desktop application (WPF), its a cab booking application so i would need to somehow show a map in my application. Over the map a route of multiple addresses (5, 10, 20 or more) will be shown. I would need the mileage calculation... driving time.. etc etc. I need this all OFFLINE (as there will be massive bookings going on, so is mileage calculation) so we need it really fast as well.

Environment: Windows 7, .net4, WPF, MVVM Pattern, C#

Please guide me in detail.

asked 30 Jan '15, 11:30

Sohaib%20Ahmed's gravatar image

Sohaib Ahmed
accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Jan '15, 12:08

sleske's gravatar image


The components you need are

  1. Map (or map tile) server
  2. Geocoding
  3. Routing (which you call mileage calculation)

Open Source solutions exist for all these components, which you can re-use (i.e. set up a map server, geocoding server, and routing server in your local environment), or you could use libraries or code fragments to implement these things in your software directly.

Generally speaking, most of these things are easy as long as you are dealing with a small area and become more difficult if you want to serve a whole country or more, simply because of the increased data volume.

Even if you use ready made servers (for example, a tile server as described on, a routing server from, and the Nominatim software for geocoding), throwing it all together into one application will be considerable integration work which we at can't do for you.

If you'd like to use a library, perhaps check out the Open Source for which commercial support is available from the author.

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answered 30 Jan '15, 14:00

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Check out the commercial service providers in the OSM world. Volunteers like here in this help forum are not your non-paid workers (@"guide me in detail") for a (assumed) non-free application development.

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answered 30 Jan '15, 16:39

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 30 Jan '15, 16:47

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question asked: 30 Jan '15, 11:30

question was seen: 11,136 times

last updated: 30 Jan '15, 16:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum