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what is the quickest and easiest way to add a single POI from OSM to uMap? I would also like to include things like opening hours, address and other tags.

what I currently do is, I create a new marker (the POI entry) on uMap. Then I go to OSM, search for my POI, copy the tags and paste it in the description of the POI in uMap. Then I have to edit the text I just pasted and remove all of the unnecessary stuff. Is there a better way to do this?

In Google Maps one can simply click on a POI (e.g. a Restaurant) and add it to a map. In uMap (and OSM) POI's are unfortunately not clickable. In POI's are clickable, but unfortunately is not integrated with uMap as of now.

I've just discoverd that one can export a POI from OSM into XML format and import in uMap this file (selecting OSM file format). But import in uMaps doesn't work with all POIs, specifically those which have lot's of additional tags. Also things like opening hours are not automatically put in the descriptions of the POI in uMap.

Another possible solution is described here from this uMap thread. It is based on overpass and probalbly exactly what I need, but it is way too complicated for a regular user. The uMap developer says they want to work on a more simple solution, but no one knows when (or if) that will be ready to use

asked 29 Jan '15, 09:40

Urml's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Jan '15, 10:45

uMap issue has been created recently to make this easier: .

(22 Sep '19, 11:01) Richlv

What do you think of this uMap. I've configured my data layer with remote data, checked "dynamic" option and given this data url:[out:json][timeout:25];(node["opening_hours"]["amenity"="restaurant"]({south},{west},{north},{east}););out body;>;out skel qt;

Then I've putted in "popup options" content:

Opening hours: {opening_hours}
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answered 24 Feb '15, 15:26

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Nicolas, it looks interesting, thanks. But these are apparently all restaurant POIs that have opening hours in OSM, right?. My goal is select only a few POIs that I want to see. Not all POI's. Fetching opening hours from OSM is of course nice to have. In any case, I've tried to setup a layer with the data url's you've provided, but it doesn't seem to work for me. No POI's appear on the map dynamically. Here is a screenshot of what I configured. Anything else I have to change from the default default options? Or if you don't mind, I would be grateful if you would export your map to kml or gpx and post the file to or alike. It might be faster than troubleshooting. Thanks.

(11 Mar '15, 14:00) Urml

Ok. 1. You can export the displayed data on my map, filter or modify them in josm (or any other tool) and create another map on umap with your new data set. 2. I don't see the entire URL and try to select the "osm" format.

(12 Mar '15, 08:45) NicolasDumoulin

for downloading data: click on "more" on the left, then on the button "share and export" and then select the desired format and it's done.

(12 Mar '15, 08:47) NicolasDumoulin

Thanks for the hints. Overpass seems to be very flexible and powerfull, but nothing for the regular, non tech user. In any case, now it seems to work for me and maybe I can build something usefull with it. Thanks again.

(12 Mar '15, 10:44) Urml

The mappa mercia page you linked to is the best way of doing this, although, as you mention, not very user friendly

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answered 30 Jan '15, 17:56

DaCor's gravatar image

accept rate: 2%

edited 30 Jan '15, 17:56

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question asked: 29 Jan '15, 09:40

question was seen: 8,686 times

last updated: 22 Sep '19, 11:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum