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Am I discouraged to use short_name, or maybe name:simple in the example below:

  • name=Syarikat Perkakasan Allplusplus Sdn Bhd (name:ms)
  • name:en=Allplusplus Hardware Company Sdn Bhd (as seen on shop sign along with name:ms)
  • name:simple=Allplusplus
  • short_name=A++ (as seen on shop logo)

I know there are longer names in other countries, so a shorter name seems logical to help renderers. short_name seems to be for initials abbreviations, so I thought why not use name:simple? Currently name:simple is probably only used for country names, but why?

asked 21 Jan '15, 07:09

raito's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 21 Jan '15, 07:11


I looked at 2 cases of name:simple, France and Singapore. I don't understand why they use it, as it is exactly the same as name. Furthermore, there is no wiki page on name:simple. IMHO it's doubtful that e.g. Nominatim wil recognize the tag. Maybe it's better to use loc_name, which is documented on the wiki ?

(21 Jan '15, 20:22) escada

Yeah, the way name:simple is used right now doesn't seem to add anything new. But I think it could be made useful for helping renderers easily decide what text to render if the name is too long. I thought loc_name is for something completely different from the name, but I guess it can do.

If I may add, how about using the official_name tag which was also meant to be used for countries? - name=Allplusplus - official_name=Syarikat Perkakasan Allplusplus Sdn Bhd - official_name:en=Allplusplus Hardware Company Sdn Bhd - short_name=A++

(22 Jan '15, 04:31) raito

short_name is not just for initials, it can be used for any abbreviation. I don't see a need for another short/simple name key.

(22 Jan '15, 09:18) scai ♦

alt_name is also an option.

(22 Jan '15, 17:15) escada

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question asked: 21 Jan '15, 07:09

question was seen: 1,628 times

last updated: 22 Jan '15, 17:15

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