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Hey Guys,

I am trying to create a image of Germany with the borders (of admin_level=6) filled with colour, depending on different (statistical) indicators. Is it possible to export a map with this borders and load it in to my Map-Explorer?

thanks a lot! Dole

edit: i have to say i am not used to do stuff with geographic-tool cause i am a "socialstudies guy"... OSM is to detailed, but i need the lvl6 borders, so i can colour them. i guess there are about 400 of areas in Ger. would be much work to fill them by hand.

hope my Prob got a bit clearer :)

asked 24 Mar '11, 10:58

Dole's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Mar '11, 14:32

You can get all administrative boundaries in several ways:

  1. You could make a call at one of the Xapi filtering by location (bounding box) and tag (admin_level). Note that the Xapi is mostly overloaded these days, check current status here.
  2. You could take a germany extract, for instance from geofabrik, and extract the boundaries with Osmosis
  3. If I recall right, geofabrik offers shapefiles from OSM-Data, and there might be a boundaries file for Germany in their download section , see here.
  4. If you wanted only admin_level=4 and 2 you could download them with josm, but for admin_level=6 this might be too much effort.

I don't know which formats are supported by Map-Explorer, but if it doesn't support osm-xml directly you could load the osm-file into Josm and export it as GPX, which most geo-applications are able to read. There are also tools available to convert osm to shapefile. More help on this topic and alternative programs can be found in the wiki.

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answered 24 Mar '11, 11:44

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 24 Mar '11, 21:05

It can be done with JOSM, but it sohohoh difficult too explain that I won't. It so dangerous too. A novice could erase nation wide data with a single click. Always experiment such things with (J)OSM without a password and best on an alternate server. I've done it with Belgium, but it wouldn't work with Switzerland. CH don't put subareas in boundary relations (believe me as I say it :-)).

As Frederik said, your best bet is a ready made map of some kind. Look up Google with searcher like "Germany map administrative svg", best in German. SVG is important. It's a vector format that will scale very well and allow you to change the picture easily with a program like Inkscape, or change it to another format. This is my third hit, just to show you the kind of things:

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answered 30 Sep '12, 00:56

GentilPapou's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Use the VG2500 dataset of the Bundesamt für Kartografie and Geodäsie:

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answered 02 Oct '12, 12:36

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 24 Mar '11, 10:58

question was seen: 20,839 times

last updated: 02 Oct '12, 12:43

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