On the main web page of openstreetmap.org (where the slippy map is displayed) the search box is placed at the left bottom. When you use OSM on devices with a small screen you have to scroll down to see the search box at all. I even met new users who didn't know that there is a search box! There have been already many efforts to move the search box more to the top of the screen. (see e.g. bug #3100 or bug #2038. So what are -in these days- the real reasons that prevent us from moving the position of the search box to the top? Many users would be happy! |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by TomH 21 Jul '10, 20:21
This is a forum for asking for help, not for suggesting or discussing changes to the website. The correct place to discuss changes is the OSM mailing lists: the correct place to request them is trac.openstreetmap.org. 1
For those who aren't comfortable with using mailing lists, there's also a web frontend to the OSM mailing lists.
(21 Jul '10, 20:25)
The web frontend is rather craptastic for people who have to read the posts it generates, but then again, that's why we have it via NNTP on gmane.org.
(22 Jul '10, 20:08)
Baloo Uriza