I'm trying to add a new row to the table on the amenity=vending_machine page. Most sections and most tables I've seen have a link allowing you to edit but this one uses a template. If there's any available help on this topic it seems to be well hidden. I want to add vending=fuel, which is becoming a very common way to buy fuel in Thailand where I map. I have already uploaded an appropriate image to Wikimedia Can someone explain how to insert a row into these template controlled pages? |
There is a link to help you with editing just below the long table …
General help about editing templates is there: Help:Template (quick version). And there about tables. 1
On second thought, forget about it. That is possibly the least user friendly method of adding information to a page that I've ever seen! It's bad enough to use the brackets, double brackets, triple tildes when editing an "ordinary" wiki page. but the template process takes the cake. Thanks for your help, as always, aseerel4c26. I appreciate it even though I won't do anything with this advice.
(12 Jan '15, 13:38)
In my ignorance and impatience, I edited the template. Now I'm at a loss as to how to remove my mistake. I added "fuel:desc-" hoping I would then get an opportunity to add items after it (somehow). My apologies.
(12 Jan '15, 13:55)
@AlaskaDave: That's true. Added for you (copy & paste + search & replace in a texteditor helps). Please replace the filename (placeholder.jpg currently) with your photo file name. Adding a description would be good too.
(12 Jan '15, 13:57)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@AlaskaDave: Regarding "remove": Your edit to that documentation page could be undone simply by removing the addition again (again in edit mode). Instead of this you could go to the page's history (linked on top of each page) and use the "undo" link.
(12 Jan '15, 14:02)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Thanks again. I added a tag pair in the description that is redundant, (vending=fuel) but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to edit that table again. I need some sleep now. I forgot a leading pipe symbol and my eyes got blurry counting braces until I found the error. Wow! Someone needs to develop a UI for that beast of an editor!!
(12 Jan '15, 14:43)
@AlaskaDave: finally, this looks fine!
(12 Jan '15, 14:56)
aseerel4c26 ♦
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wiki editing aside, what about
? Don't you intentionally not want to use the usual fuel tag?I am using amenity=fuel. I cannot use amenity=vending_machine for that reason. But I do use several other tags, among them are: vending_machine=yes vending=fuel opening_hours=* payment:cash=yes ... etc.
But I want to add vending=fuel to the other vended items in that table.