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I have an android maps in tile format. Is there a way for me to build a route/track from origin to destination? The scope is intended for a single city only.

asked 11 Jan '15, 02:25

Doodski's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you expand a bit about exactly what it is you are trying to do? Do you have some data in some format, and want someone to recommend an application to work with it, or are you trying to write that application, or have you downloaded an application from somewhere and want to know what it can do?

Also, if your first language isn't English please feel free to use it to ask your question here - there are people that speak many languages.

(11 Jan '15, 09:31) SomeoneElse ♦

I am currently building an android application using osmdroid libraries for offline navigation. I have fully executed the program with tiled maps created through MOBAC rendered as background, and it is rendered offline. Which means there was no internet connection to display the map.

(11 Jan '15, 13:36) Doodski

I can now add points. However I wanted to add route/path between two points (from origin to destination) over an offline map. My question again is how to build or if possible construct an offline route just like OSMAnd but customized to run for my designed app? If the user adds points of origin and destination, the android app should provide route even without internet connection.

(11 Jan '15, 13:36) Doodski

Take a look at Graphhopper's Android project. Note that raster map tiles (as downloaded by MOBAC) are not suitable for routing and so you'll need to download additional data - see the Graphhopper pages for information.

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answered 11 Jan '15, 18:19

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 11 Jan '15, 18:20

The Osmdroid site here suggests that you ask in the Osmdroid discussion group. Alternatively, you might find answers on places like Stackoverflow.

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answered 11 Jan '15, 18:20

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 11 Jan '15, 02:25

question was seen: 10,921 times

last updated: 11 Jan '15, 18:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum