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Something went seriously wrong while adding to a relation in josm (nr. 1490807). All nodes and ways were eliminated from the pertinent relation-number. I have just checked in the Relation-Analyser. It is empty of nodes and ways! A change-set from the previous day is available, but would that restore data from even older edits. How can I restore any lost data?

asked 23 Mar '11, 19:17

dcp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Mar '11, 11:53

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦

You need the History (or Revert) plug-in for JOSM.

  • First download the relation using File|Download Object ... Choose 'relation' and 1490807.
  • Next select the object in JOSM, so that it is shown in the selection window.
  • Now from the History menu choose the only menu option 'Revert Changeset' and a dialogue box appears.
  • Enter the change set number (7640133) found by browsing the relation.
  • Select the second option 'revert selected objects' and OK.

At this point your relation in its old state should be shown in the JOSM relation panel. Specifically, as having its members restored. Before uploading this back to OSM, download all the relation members and check that this looks OK.

Once satisfied that everything is in order then upload the restored relation to OSM.

When manipulating relations in JOSM it is a good idea to ensure that all relation members are downloaded.

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answered 23 Mar '11, 19:55

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks for the info. I'll try it later.

(23 Mar '11, 20:35) dcp

you should not undo the complete changeset (unless you have checked that also the other contained edits are wrong) but rather reupload the relation from the previous version.

<relation id="1490807" action="modify" visible="true" timestamp="2011-03-22T18:08:06Z" user="dcp" uid="44221" version="5" changeset="7639471">
  • Now open this file in JOSM and try to upload. You will get a message that the relation was changed in the meantime (indeed, you are trying to upload version5 but there is already version6). Click OK to synchronize the dataset. A conflict is reported. Go to conflicts in JOSM and solve the conflict by taking "your version" into the middle column. You can also undo only parts and choose other parts from "their version" which is the current version of the relation on the server.

  • Now upload again, it will work.

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answered 23 Mar '11, 20:00

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 23 Mar '11, 23:30

Thanks for the info. I'll try it later.

(23 Mar '11, 20:35) dcp

The method of dieterdreist works fine, if no ways have been deleted in the meantime.

If that is the case you will get an error in the uplaod giving you the id of the missing element (but not saying that it is missing!).

  • Cancel the uplaod and download all members of the relation.
  • In the edit panel try to find the offending elements. In my case I tried to recover a cycle route and some highways had been deleted. They showed up in the relation member list as highways with zero nodes.
  • Now you need to go back at the .osm file and remove all lines that refer to the deleted elements.
  • Retry with the modified .osm file again
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answered 08 Jan '12, 11:44

voschix's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Mar '11, 19:17

question was seen: 7,021 times

last updated: 08 Jan '12, 11:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum